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I bought a USB 32-Bit Whacker - PIC32MX795 Development Board and a MPLAB PICkit 3 after working with some ATmega stuff in the past.

So, along with which wires go where,enter image description here

These are the 6 pins(on the pickit). I'm wondering what comes after that, such as do I just connect it, and then mplab will work out oflooking for them on the box?whacker board. I can find

  • vpp
  • 3.3v
  • gnd
  • pgd
  • pgc

in a row, but i'm wondering 2 things

  • is vdd the same as 3.3v?
  • where / what / do I need the LVP?

I bought a USB 32-Bit Whacker - PIC32MX795 Development Board and a MPLAB PICkit 3 after working with some ATmega stuff in the past.

So, along with which wires go where, I'm wondering what comes after that, such as do I just connect it, and then mplab will work out of the box?

I bought a USB 32-Bit Whacker - PIC32MX795 Development Board and a MPLAB PICkit 3 after working with some ATmega stuff in the past.

enter image description here

These are the 6 pins(on the pickit). I'm looking for them on the whacker board. I can find

  • vpp
  • 3.3v
  • gnd
  • pgd
  • pgc

in a row, but i'm wondering 2 things

  • is vdd the same as 3.3v?
  • where / what / do I need the LVP?
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I bought a 32-Bit Whacker - PIC32MX795 Development Board and a PICkit 3 after working with some ATmega stuff in the past.

So, along with which wires go where, I'm wondering what comes after that, such as do I just connect it, and then mplab will work out of the box?

I bought and after working with some ATmega stuff in the past.

So, along with which wires go where, I'm wondering what comes after that, such as do I just connect it, and then mplab will work out of the box?

I bought a USB 32-Bit Whacker - PIC32MX795 Development Board and a MPLAB PICkit 3 after working with some ATmega stuff in the past.

So, along with which wires go where, I'm wondering what comes after that, such as do I just connect it, and then mplab will work out of the box?

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how How do iI connect the pickit 3 with PIC32MX795

I bought and after working with some atmegaATmega stuff in the past.

So, along with which wires go where, I'm wondering what comes after that, such as do I just connect it, and then mplab will work out of the box?

how do i connect the pickit 3 with PIC32MX795

I bought and after working with some atmega stuff in the past.

So, along with which wires go where, I'm wondering what comes after that, such as do I just connect it, and then mplab will work out of the box?

How do I connect the pickit 3 with PIC32MX795

I bought and after working with some ATmega stuff in the past.

So, along with which wires go where, I'm wondering what comes after that, such as do I just connect it, and then mplab will work out of the box?

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