I would like to model a transformer in LT spiceLTspice with hysteresis and saturation (or just hysteresis would be nice). I have already tried the Chen model which I don't like and tried to model a regular transformer with the inductor parameters found here but got an error.
Here is an example of my LT SpiceLTspice netlist
.param Is=2A a=3
.param Ind 1000mH
K2 L4 L3 1
L4 0 N008 {2*Ind} Ipk=2 Rser=10
L3 0 N007 flux={Ind*Is}*tanh((x/{Is})**{a})**{1/a} Ipk=2 Rser=110
I get an error that says: mutual inducatanceinductance statements aren't supported between arbitrary inductors
My question is: is there some way to combine an ideal transformer and a non-linear inductor to make an accurate model and simulate in lt spice.LTspice?
Are there other ways to effectively model a transformer with hysteresis in spice?