Is there any tip
If you know the power on Z1 then you know that that is dissipated by the "2" part of 2 - j5 and this leads on to be able to state the current through that 2 ohms: -
$$20 = I^2 \cdot 2$$
Hence current is \$\sqrt{10}\$ = 3.162 amps.
From that you can calculate the line voltage using Z1's impedance. That impedance is \$\sqrt{2^2+5^2}\$ = 5.285 ohms. So you have the line voltage of 17.03 volts.
Can you take it from here?
In engineering, power is real (or active) power, apparent power is volts x amps and, reactive power is \$\sqrt{(V\cdot A)^2 - (watts)^2}\$.\$\sqrt{(V\cdot I)^2 - (watts)^2}\$: -