imI'm currently trying to figure out how to drive a bare 7seg7-segment 4 digit lcd-digit LCD glass (without driver). Part
Part number of display: VI-415-DP-RC-S I’m
I’m currently planingplanning to apply a (min.) 30 Hz square wave to active segments. With VOn = 3V. The common pin of the lcdLCD is currently planedplanned to be at GND (0V) Is
Is that valid? Because I have read that DC is the worst thing that could happen to a lcdan LCD and I don’t know if a square wave is preventing the display from damage. If
If I need a “real” AC source, is it valid to put 1.5V on the common lead of the display via a resistor ladder? This would result toin a voltage from -1.5V to 1.5V on Segment pins. If
If this is valid, witchwhich current should be flowing down the resistor ladder.? And I assume that the segment off voltage then needs to be 1.5V —> 0V for the lcdLCD between segment and common. Thanks in advance