I'm building a simple audio device, mostly out of ready-made modules.
I'm using a pcm1808PCM1808 as an ADC and powering everything from a single +5V+5 V supply. But I want the input accept a line-level signal and work with both balanced and single-ended inputinputs.
The module I'm using is named "CJMCUa CJMCU-1808"1808 module:
I've found some example schematics based on TL072 and OPA1632:
But both call for negative rail. I'm aware that some of the opamps can be used onwork from a single rail but. But looking at the spec sheet, this seemseems to severely limit the input range and affect the rest of the device (ground reference?)
I've seen that there are devices called "negativea 'negative voltage generator"generator' but I'm not sure how noisy they are or if eventhey're suitable for this.