I am trying to find a fault on a multilayer board currently. I use mostly my multimeter in buzzer mode and came across such a situation. When i
When I measured a 1kohm1 kΩ resistor in buzzer mode it didn't beep as expected and gave the resistance as 900ohm900 Ω. When iI switched to resistance measuring mode iI read 1kohm. Consistent1 kΩ consistently.But
But the weirdness came into scene when iI tried to determine where the base resistor of an npnNPN is being driveddriven from. I began my search by contacting one of the probes to the one end of the resistor in buzzer mode. Then I visited all the vias and devices over the board for the other end. I couldn't locate it; possibly an open circuit. But iI measured around 500ohms500 Ω at some parts of the board. When iI checked those parts in resistance measuring mode iI read 100kohm100 kΩ.
So if iI summarize ;:
when i measure a resistor of 1kohms ; When I measure a resistor of 1 kΩ
- in buzzer mode iI read 900ohms900 Ω
- in resistance measuring mode 1kohms1 kΩ.
When i try to locate a route with a floating end (possibly an open circuit); When I try to locate a route with a floating end (possibly an open circuit)
in buzzer mode i read 500ohms
in buzzer mode I read 500 Ωin resistance mode i read 100kohm.
in resistance mode I read 100 kΩ
What could be the possible reason for thisthese conflicting measurements?