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Timeline for Validate my 3V3 power system

Current License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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Mar 1 at 23:22 comment added glen_geek Fig 11.2 shows four ground areas, each with vias - these must connect to a ground plane underneath (not shown). One of those four gnds has only one via, and is not labelled gnd. It does not carry heavy gnd current, but still must join to the other three grounds. Fig.11.2 shows only the layer where TPS63060 is soldered along with resistors, capacitors, inductor.
Mar 1 at 20:34 comment added Mustansir Godhrawala Thanks Glen, I'll look into using a MOSFET to replace the diode. Let me know if you have a part I can use or any resources that can help with the same. I'll read 11.2 on the datasheet, and might post again with the PCB on the platform. Thanks for all your help and time, I appreciate it. By the way, from 11.2 how can you tell how many layers of copper exist on the PCB? Which are the obvious layers you can see?
Mar 1 at 17:57 comment added glen_geek Your revised schematic edit is fine, and looks OK. When transferring to printed circuit, cross-check your layout with data sheet's 11.2 Layout Example, which has copper on at least two layers. Zener diode D1 is unspecified - it will have to pass all the battery input current: a low-current zener may over-heat. I hope you have a good outcome and gain confidence doing this project.
Feb 29 at 21:46 comment added Mustansir Godhrawala Thanks my man, I'm very sorry the plentiful errors. Your response was clean and direct, I appreciate that. I've updated the question with the new schematic with feedback taken from your answer. Please let me know your thoughts, also let me know if I should start a new question, or is this okay?
Feb 29 at 19:44 vote accept Mustansir Godhrawala
Feb 29 at 14:54 history edited glen_geek CC BY-SA 4.0
added 223 characters in body
Feb 29 at 14:44 history edited glen_geek CC BY-SA 4.0
added 231 characters in body
Feb 29 at 14:37 history answered glen_geek CC BY-SA 4.0