I am trying to use TIP120 for my inverted switch where I wish to have my DC water pump(rated at 5v, 3W, 600mA) running when switch is open (in actual these will probes that will complete path when there is ample water in between them) and when switch is closed the transistor should shut off.
I have calculated the (base current - Ib) for the above load at 0.6mA (600mA/1000) and base resistor Rb at 4.1 kohms.
I am using circuit wizard for simulation, which is showing explosion on the transistor when the state of switch is changed. Can someone tell me what is wrong with the below mentioned circuit
I tried this sample circuit at
but had similar prediction of transistor exploding. Can I get some information on why the simulation is predicting exploded transistor. I have also tried placing diode after the Emitter but no luck in simulation
thanks Imran