I'm developing an application with PIC32MX, that record 3 WAV sounds and store theme into SD. Unfortunately the speed that I have reach is 155 kB/s and is insufficient for my application. Then I have to move fatFS, that use multi sector write speed wich seems to solve my problem. I download the latest library for fatFS here (bottom of the page). I read on the internet that this code is generic and only some part of code needs to be adapted, based on microcontroller in use. I have spent many time trying to understand what are this portions of code, but I still dont'find theme. Anyone can help me?
EDIT: Finally I understand how to modify the fatFS for adapt it to my system. But I have a little poblem. After I properly modified the "platform dependent" section with correct SPI and chip select pin, I tryied to compile. I obtained an error about windows.h and tchar.h, included in file integer.h. But in integer.h I see the ifdef, and I want compile the "embedded" section, not the windows section. If I try to delete the ifdef, I obtained this error: " ';' expected but 'fs_type' found ". This come from typedef struct of ff.h. On internet there are project with the identical structure, why this doesn't compile?