I have PIC16F628A that I am trying to have read from UART. Without interrupts, it reads the first 3 bytes fine but hits an OERR. To combat this, I thought an interrupt would be good and load any received bytes into a buffer variable that could be read in later (ring buffer of array type char). But the interrupt is not triggering and I've run out of ideas.
CMCON = 0x07; //16F627/8 spcial function reg (RAx is port)
CCP1CON = 0b00000000; //Capt/Comp/PWM off
OPTION_REG = 0b00000000;
T1CON = 0;
PIR1 = 0;
GIE = 0;
PIE1 = 0;
BRGH = 1; /* high baud rate */
SPBRG = 19200; /* set the baud rate */
SYNC = 0; //Async
TXEN = 0; //Disable transmit
TXIE = 0; //Disable transmit interrupt
RCIE = 1; //Enable Receive interrupt
SPEN = 1; //Enable serial pins
CREN = 1; //Enable continuous receive
SREN = 0;
TX9 = ninebits?1:0; /* 8- or 9-bit transmission */
RX9 = ninebits?1:0; /* 8- or 9-bit reception */
PEIE = 1; //Enable external interrupt
GIE = 1; //Enable global interrupt
I have simplified my interrupt to turning on a light:
extern interrupt isr(void)
RB5 = 1;
But it's not triggering. The project is reading a barcode scanner over serial and processing the barcode. Can anyone offer some assistance?
Ok since you don't seem to understand. I'm going to post the actual routines:
void initialize()
CMCON = 0x07; //16F627/8 spcial function reg (RAx is port)
CCP1CON = 0b00000000; //Capt/Comp/PWM off
OPTION_REG = 0b00000000;
T1CON = 0;
PIR1 = 0;
GIE = 0;
PEIE = 0;
PIE1 = 0;
sci_Init(BAUDRATE ,SCI_EIGHT);// Baud set and Bit set
TMR0 = 1000;
T0IE = 0;
PEIE = 1; //Enable external interrupt
GIE = 1; //Enable global interrupt
//Set inputs to input
//Set relays to output
TRISB5 = 0;
LEDStatus = 0;
unsigned char sci_Init(unsigned long int baud, unsigned char ninebits)
int X;
unsigned long tmp;
/* calculate and set baud rate register */
/* for asynchronous mode */
tmp = 16UL * baud;
X = (int)(FOSC/tmp) - 1;
if((X>255) || (X<0))
tmp = 64UL * baud;
X = (int)(FOSC/tmp) - 1;
if((X>255) || (X<0))
return 1; /* panic - baud rate unobtainable */
BRGH = 0; /* low baud rate */
BRGH = 1; /* high baud rate */
SPBRG = X; /* set the baud rate */
SYNC = 0; //Async
TXEN = 0; //Disable transmit
TXIE = 0; //Disable transmit interrupt
RCIE = 1; //Enable Receive interrupt
SPEN = 1; //Enable serial pins
CREN = 1; //Enable continuous receive
SREN = 0;
TX9 = ninebits?1:0; /* 8- or 9-bit transmission */
RX9 = ninebits?1:0; /* 8- or 9-bit reception */
rxBuffIndex = 0;
rxBuffRead = 0;
return 1;
void sci_LoadBuffer(void)
rxBuffer[rxBuffIndex] = RCREG;
rxBuffIndex = ++rxBuffIndex % MAXBUFFER;
unsigned char sci_ReadBuffer()
unsigned char byte;
byte = rxBuffer[rxBuffRead];
}while( byte == 0 ); //Block until valid data
rxBuffer[rxBuffRead] = 0;
rxBuffRead = (++rxBuffRead) % MAXBUFFER;
return byte;
void interrupt isr(void)
if(RCIF) sci_LoadBuffer();
LEDStatus = 1;
I know that's not EVERYTHING but that should be enough to diagnose why the interrupts aren't triggering. THAT'S ALL I NEED! Triggering the interrupts.
I'm using MPLab with Hi-Tech C Compiler. Which from the manual automatically saves state and restores it when entering/exiting the interrupt.
void interrupt isr(void) { if(RCIF) sci_LoadBuffer(); LEDStatus = 1; }
void sci_LoadBuffer(void) { rxBuffer[rxBuffIndex] = RCREG; rxBuffIndex = ++rxBuffIndex % MAXBUFFER; }