I have an +- 10V/1A sawtooth signal that needs to be clamped to gnd when a trigger pulse is received.
The signal is supposed to stay clamped until the next zero crossing, upon which the circuit is supposed to reset.
I thyristor would be ideal, if it did not have an on state voltage of typically 1.2V.
The voltage needs to be clamped below 400 mV, less is better.
The transition open -> clamped needs to be faster than 500 ns, preferably much less.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Is there anything like a thyristor/triac (or a drop in replacement circuit), but with a much lower on-state voltage (below 400 mV)?
Edit: I came across a few devices I wasn't aware of. Doesn't help with my problem, but might be useful for someone else:
Programmable unijunction transistor (Von voltage not clear from datasheet, maybe 500 mV + IR, obscure component)
Silicon bilateral switch http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/239125.pdf (IC version of a triac, Von = 1.7V, Main advantage is very precise switching voltage)