ZigBee as a standard doesn't believe in direct connectivity of devices, its more of a floating network. But if I am to have a network of devices in a HAN (Home Automation Network), I need to know if these devices are still discoverable.
Each device has a neighbour table of devices that are in physical proximity of itself. I can query this table for each device using an LQI request, however, as many of the devices contain similar devices in their neighbour tables, I would be checking each device against an increasingly large list. It is also entierly possible that some devices may not be on this network.
If I had (lets say) 200 devices in my network, this is a **** load of requests and comparisons to do on a uController.
I can create a list of devices as they join the network and store them in eeprom, but is this actually the best idea?
I am working with the Atmel Bitcloud stack on an 8-bit AVR, however these are standard requests specified in the ZigBee specifications.
I need to know this in order to see if any device in my network is faulty.