I'm new to microcontrollers and the dsPIC33 and want to write a simple program before I get into anything more complex (even though this seems already very complex to me...). I am trying to toggle an LED on my dsPICDEM MCLV-2 development board using my dsPIC33EP256MC506 microcontroller. Right now, my code just makes the LED stay on without me pressing the button. Can anyone help me find whats wrong with my code?
If anyone knows of any sample programs that I can run and play with that would also be very helpful!
Compiler: MPLAB X
Programmer/Debugger: REAL ICE
Microcontroller: dsPIC33EP256MC506
Dev Board: dsPICDEM MCLV-2
int16_t main(void)
/* Configure the oscillator for the device */
/* Initialize IO ports and peripherals */
TRISDbits.TRISD6 = 0; //set LED as output
TRISGbits.TRISG6 = 1; //set Button as input, port unknown
if(S3 == 0) { //start/stop switch
uint32_t N = 21000000;
while(S3) //debounce
LATDbits.LATD6 = 1; //make LED pin high
#define S3 !PORTGbits.RG6 //S2 button
#define S2 !PORTGbits.RG7 //S3 button
#define D2 !PORTDbits.RD6 //D2 LED
#define DEBOUNCE_DELAY 30 //push button debounce delay, expressed in millisecond
/* User Function Prototypes */
/* TODO User level functions prototypes (i.e. InitApp) go here */
void InitApp(void); /* I/O and Peripheral Initialization */
LATDbits.LATD6 = 1;
is indented doesn't make it a part of thewhile(S3)
loop. Maybe you should have curly braces around those indented lines. \$\endgroup\$