I have crystals whose frequencies are 8, and 25 MHz.
I want to create higher frequency sine waves using those crystals, say 60 MHz. The reason is that the sine wave oscillator, I have built one on breadboard, it has lot of harmonics as well as noise. I tried to put the same on PCB, but the PCB that I have (low cost) has lot of parasitic capacitance as well. So I am planning to use crystal oscillator.
After searching the net I have found the above diagram. But it does not mention at what frequency it is oscillating, because it is not mentioned I am assuming it is oscillating at crystal frequency. I am looking for a tweak to this so that I can generate higher sine wave frequency (quantifiable) using colpits topology or some other topology. Can someone please guide me. I have spent a week trying to create a stable and clean oscillator.
I have seen somewhere that it is possible, unfortunately I can't find that link anymore!