I wanted to ask if a brushless controller Current actually affects electric bicycle speed.
At the moment I have a 48V 250W brushless controller, rated current of 5A and maximum current of 10A. protection voltage is 42V.
Here is a more detailed picture about my controller plugs, etc:
So my main question is: if I switch to a same brushless controller but just this time with lets say a maximum Current of 17A, will it make any difference in any way?
I also tried talking with the manufacturer and I didn't get a flat answer; they said it won't affect on the speed but I read in a few places that it might.
My Battery: 48V 13Ah
My Motor: 48V 250W ( model: bafang swx02 )
Also another question, is there any way to make my ebike drive faster than 25 km/h without switching the motor?