I am replacing some igbt transistors on a circuit board from my Samsung TV. While de-soldering one of the 4 components one of the traces from the gate lead fell off.
I am looking for the best practice to solder the gate of the transistor into the broken trace.
Option 1 would be to sand or use a solvent to remove the remaining insulation from the trace. This would expose enough area for me to solder the transistor gate.
Option 2 would be to use a small wire and solder onto one side of the surface mount resistor to connect the gate.
The black areas around the board are from some insulation that was glued to the board (not heat and burn marks).
I am open to suggestions.
Update: It took 2 weeks to have the IGBT transistors shipped from China. I used a piece of 26 AWG wire to replace the lost trace.