I'm a student and I'm starting a project in which I'm working with the Microchip's dsPIC33E USB Starter Kit. I used some samples taken from this site for initiating, sending and receiving packets. There is no screen in this board, so I'm printing what I need on the computer screen with a terminal software IVT VT220.
My first problem is printing more then one line to the screen - if having 2 print commands in the same code, it'll print only the first, then will do the rest of the code, just without the second printing command. For example this code:
// some code
putrsUSBUSART("first print");
putrsUSBUSART("second print");
//the rest of the code
will print "first print", and then will do the rest of the code.
The second problem I have is sending and receiving messages in different modes. When I'm using loopback mode, I'm able to transmit a message and then receive it. By checking the rx register it looks like the message has been transferred correctly. However, when changing the mode to normal mode and doing exactly the same process, it still looks like the message I've received is valid (although working with one device only! So it suppose to work fine only in loopback, not in normal mode. or maybe it doesn't work at all in both modes?).
Any suggestions why this things happen???