If the colour bands were interpreted as per the standard IEC 60062 markings which many manufacturers use (though not actually strictly applicable to inductors as it turns out), it would be a 4.7H inductor 10% tolerance:
Yellow = 4
Violet = 7
Green = x100000
Silver = 10%
(in uH)
However, as noted that seems ridiculously large for the size (then again you don't give any reference of scale in your photo).
To throw a curve ball, that may not be a yellow marking at all, but rather a Gold band, in which case it may not in fact be 47...H at all, but rather:
Gold = 0.
Violet = 7
Green = 5
Silver = 10%
(in uH)
Which equates to 0.75uH. (Reference: Vishay Inductor Color Chart, VMN-MS6576). That would be much more reasonable for the size.
Short of purely guessing that the manufacturer used some non-standard basis such as pH as the other answer does and guessing at the value, I would simply remove it and measure as @Felthry suggests.