So I've got a push button and a switch. Both of them have LEDs inside. Both of them seem to have LEDs working at 12V. But according to the specs of the push button, you could also use 6V.
My question is, wether you have to use a resistor for this LED and if not, how this actually works that the LED can accept different levels of voltage?
Would an LED rated for 12V even lit up when powered with 6V? I actually bought a step-up converter to be able to use this LED with my 5V power supply. But now that I've read that you could use 6V, I am asking myself if I even need that step-up converter. What do you think?
The bush button has these specs. I don't have a data sheet for the switch, but it is called "LA16JS". Both of them seem to use 12 V for the LED.