I hate having to copy what I want from my PC to a flash or external drive and then stick it in the smart TV (which already has the ability to browse files on a flash drive) every time. I want the smart TV to always have access to a shared drive on my LAN.
Possible Solution
Is it possible to build (or assemble) a device or a contraption that masquerades as a USB flash drive for the TV, but it's actually relaying data from another place?
It could draw power from the TV's USB, and it's essentially a mini PC that makes the TV think it's a flash drive and I can browse files on the TV as normal, but on the other end of it I can remote into it via LAN (whatever OS that can easily handle this stuff), so I can tell it what to relay to the TV.
Is that at all feasible? I don't think it's impossible, but is it doable at minimal cost? Does it actually require hardware manipulation or building, or can it be done/achieved with a mini PC and software?