I am normally pretty good with wiring up stepper motors and having a step pin which can be pulsed with a gpio output and a direction pin that can be set to high or low. Also using servo motors that can be wired into a PWM 16 channel output board and can be easily controlled with python because of its libraries (from adafruit_servokit import ServoKit). However, this motor is giving me trouble. It has an S pin and a GND pin that i would hook up to my PI and simply pulse it, but that doesnt help with direction. If anyone has hooked this up to a PI before and can give some insight before i kill 8 of these it would be much appreciated. I need it to go forward and backward and have some what of a control of the speed (which should be the delay in the pulse).
UPDATE: Using signal pin and ground from PCA9685 does not move the motor. Tired using a DAQC plate to set the voltage to high and low with a digital output pin and still no movement any ideas?