I've been looking for a way to use an arduino to measure capacitance of a supercapacitor that is likely to have a 4F capacitance based on experiments of others.
Several people have experimented with arduino to measure capacitance in the neighborhood of picofarads and microfarads, experimentally demonstrating accuracy of different approaches. Example1.
"One meter would accurately measure values in the 1000 μF range, but it would fail in the nF and pF range. Another capacitance meter was accurate in the nF and pF ranges, but failed in the μF range."
Working through a supercapacitor experiment with Robert Murray-Smith, I see that the supercapacitor can hold 4 farads.
Has anyone experimented with accurately measuring larger capacitance with an Arduino and, if so, is there a documented approach that I can use as a starting point?
Any pointers are definitely appreciated.