I'm trying to use SX1276 in Implicit Header Mode, and extracting the PayloadLength
after ValidHeader
interrupts. The first byte is the payload length. The reception works OK 80% of the time. For the rest of the time, it just reads random data.
- BW: 125khz or 500Khz - no influence
- AFC BW: 250khz
- CR: 4/8 or 4/5 - no influence
- I have taken into account the Errata recommendations for SF6. For Explicit Header mode, SF7, its 100% reliable
Valid Header IRQ:
void RF_IRQ1_handler() {
if (RF_module.config.modulation == Lora) {
RF_write_reg(Lora_RegFifoRxBaseAddr, 0x00);
RF_write_reg(Lora_RegPayloadLength, 0xFF); //Not to trigger TxDone based on last transmission
uint8_t rx = RF_read_reg(Lora_RegFifoRxByteAddr);
while (rx == RF_read_reg(Lora_RegFifoRxByteAddr)) { //It waits for 4ms for data to be written to FIFO
RF_write_reg(Lora_RegPayloadLength, RF_read_reg(Lora_RegFifo));
How can I improve my transfer rate?