I want to control a 4V motor to rotate both directions which draws 100mA and I was looking at the H-bridge schematics. The tutorial says that you should place NPN transistors at the bottom if you need >5V Power to the motor, which i dont need. This H-bridge also requires at least two inputs to switch direction. I also do not need to turn the motor off. It will run either or one direction, or the other.
I was wondering if I could put the NPN transistor at the top, so that I can control the motor with only one I/O pin (simplified schematic):
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Since I don't need >5V power for the motor, I don't need to put my NPN transistors at the bottom. Using this schematic I can also control the direction of the motor with only one I/O, without more external components.
Of course, the complete schematic will also include a resistor to limit the Base current and the fly back diodes (fly back diodes and Base resistor added):
When I/O is 5V, both NPN transistors turn on.
When I/O is 0V, both PNP transistors turn on.
Do you think this will work? I have not seen any tutorial/schematic with this H-bridge configuration.