Similar to another question (Unknown limit switch on a commercial camera iris diaphragm) I have a few malfunctioning aperture assemblies (Canon 100-400, 28-300, 24-105) which I suspect all have the same photo interrupter. Does anyone know the article number? I want to buy a few and try to get the apertures working that way, rather than replacing the entire assemblies.
The reason why I suspect the photo interrupter:
- Aperture only closes, never opens. In fully opened state, the photo interrupter is interrupted by a plastic piece. In all other states, the photo interrupter is not interrupted. The aperture behaves as if the interrupter is always interrupted.
- Exchanged the photo interrupter of a 28-300 with a 100-400 - no difference
- Exchanged PCB that operates the aperture - no difference
- Tested aperture assembly with PCB of other lens (28-300 aperture, 24-70 PCB). The stepper motor that actuates the aperture is connected the other way around on this PCB. In this case, the aperture assembly only opens, never closes. Hence, the stepper motor does not seem to have a problem.
I have not measured the diode (yet).