I recently got very interested in electrical engineering. After watching a bunch of YouTube videos on circuit and PCB design, I figured it's finally the time to get a bit hands on. I decided to start by designing a relatively simple variable DC voltage supply, as I might actually use it in the near future.
Here are some design goals:
- VIN can vary from 5V to 24V and the range VOUT can be set to is 1.5V-24V. VOUT can be either greater or smaller than VIN.
- VOUT can be set programmatically via SPI from a micro controller.
- I would like to keep the parts relatively cheap, so that if I accidentally blow up something it won't be too costly.
Below is the schematic:
Apologize if my schematic is not very professional. I'm very new to this. I would be really grateful if someone experienced can give some comments on circuit design and schematic drawing.
Here are some reasonings behind it:
- I chose the XL6009, as it's the IC used by the buck-boost converter I already have, and it seems to support the desirable voltage range. Further it has internal compensation to make things simpler.
- The inductor L1 and L2 are uncoupled, as coupled inductors are kind of difficult to find (or am I looking at the wrong places).
- The value of L1 and L2 are adopted from this article.
- The resisters of the voltage divider network are calculated following this article
I also have two specific questions:
- What is the general process for rating the inductors and coupling capacitors for variable voltage SEPIC? All the guides I found (such as this) are for fixed voltage SEPICs.
- How to dynamically limit the output current so that no component (especially L1, L2, C4 and XL6009) is fried under any possible VIN/VOUT combinations?
And finally, two meta questions (not sure if this is the right place, but I'll ask anyway. If inappropriate, feel free to ignore):
- Is there any way to simulate the whole circuit (with ICs) so that I debug it without physically wiring it up?
- Is there any dedicated places to get feedback on circuit design?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: managed to find some SEPIC design guide for XL60XX chips. Put it here in case anyone needs it: link (It's in Chinese, but the formulas are still pretty readable).