I have been studying the topic of amplifiers recently and I've come across the term "general amplifier" a number of times online. Does this term refer to a particular kind of amplifier, or is it just a way of referring to 'amplifiers in general'?
Sorry if this sounds a bit thick or ill-informed. My reason for asking is that sometimes the phrase seems to be used in a way which implies that "general amplifier" is an actual type of amplifier distinct from other types, so I've started to wonder if I'm missing its real meaning to those "in the know". (At other times it seems to be used interchangeably with 'ideal amplifier' but this doesn't always seem to suit the context.)
See for example: https://www.electronicsforu.com/resources/class-a-amplifier-working https://es.mathworks.com/help/simrf/ref/generalamplifier.html https://www.miyajima-lab.com/wo-1.html Can I generate pure sine wave with just a clock and amplifier? (I don't have enough points to add a comment to this last one to find out what was intended to be conveyed by this term within the highest-scored answer.)