Everyone, I admit I might be getting a bit on the overthinking side, but after reading all that's available online on the matter, I am starting to get a bit worried.
I had my home renovated and (as I am not an electrical guy myself) hired a contractor to do all wiring and stuff. After he finished his job, I found those little shiny metal debris everywhere, literally - on floor, on kitchen countertops, in the wardrobe, on bathroom shelves, etc. (if you ask why there - I kind of have an interesting hidden LED lights anywhere at home). Don't get me wrong - I am not talking about tons of debris, but they are numerous and visible enough to make me do some research.
Fast forward everything I read, it turned out to be 60/40 solder wire debris, which also turned out in purple when using the lead detection kits I got on them.
Here comes the thing, in general the opinion is that such splatter should be fine, as long as you wash your hands if touching it and don't eat it, but I just can imagine the amount of tiny invisible with naked eye particles left after I wiped (a few times) the visible ones, so technically it could accumulate on the kitchenware. And indeed I am talking about kitchen cupboards, countertop, wardrobe, etc. which had traces of it.
Is this a real and valid scenario, or I am just an unlucky renovated, but potentially toxic home? Disclaimer - I live in Europe and do not have OCD. Any advise, comments from you pro folks, would be appreciated. Thanks.