I have read and disassembled the code from an Atmel8 microcontroller from a faulty oscilloscope.
This is the start routine:
ROM:0013 ; public __RESET
ROM:0013 __RESET:
ROM:0013 ldi r16, 4
ROM:0014 out SPH, r16 ; Stack Pointer High
ROM:0015 ldi r16, 0x5F
ROM:0016 out SPL, r16 ; Stack Pointer Low
ROM:0017 rcall fault_check ; Check for faults
ROM:0018 breq loc_1B
ROM:0019 loc_19:
ROM:0019 sbi PORTD, PORTD7 ; Switch on fault LED
ROM:001A rjmp loc_19 ; Infinite loop
It calls a routine, which I have named "fault_check". On return, if Zero is set, the program switches on the "fault" LED on bit 7 of PORTD, and enters an infinite loop.
This is the code of "fault_check":
ROM:0396 ; public fault_check
ROM:0396 fault_check:
ROM:0396 ldi r17, 0x72 ;
ROM:0397 ldi r18, 9
ROM:0398 clr r30
ROM:0399 clr r31
ROM:039A ldi r20, 0x80
ROM:039B ldi r19, 5
ROM:039C lpm r3, Z+ ; Reads the RESET vector!?
ROM:039D lpm r2, Z+
ROM:039E loc_39E:
ROM:039E cp r30, r17
ROM:039F cpc r31, r18
ROM:03A0 brge loc_3A5
ROM:03A1 lpm r1, Z+
ROM:03A2 lpm r0, Z+
ROM:03A3 rcall sub_3AD ; See below
ROM:03A4 rjmp loc_39E
ROM:03A5 ; ------------------------------
ROM:03A5 loc_3A5:
ROM:03A5 lpm r0, Z+
ROM:03A6 lpm r1, Z+
ROM:03A7 rjmp loc_3AA
ROM:03A8 ; -------------------------------
ROM:03A8 clr r0
ROM:03A9 clr r1
ROM:03AA loc_3AA:
ROM:03AA rcall sub_3AD
ROM:03AB or r2, r3
ROM:03AC ret
ROM:03AC ; End of function fault_check
ROM:03AD ; Subroutine sub_3AD here
ROM:03AD sub_3AD:
ROM:03AD ldi r21, 0x11
ROM:03AE loc_3AE:
ROM:03AE dec r21
ROM:03AF breq locret_3B8
ROM:03B0 lsl r0
ROM:03B1 rol r1
ROM:03B2 rol r2
ROM:03B3 rol r3
ROM:03B4 brcc loc_3AE
ROM:03B5 eor r2, r19
ROM:03B6 eor r3, r20
ROM:03B7 rjmp loc_3AE
ROM:03B8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROM:03B8 locret_3B8:
ROM:03B8 ret
ROM:03B8 ; End of sub_3AD
These are the relevant memory regions:
I have no idea of what's going on here. I understand the instructions, but what is happening overall? I believe it is processing information stored in SRAM (no IO reads here or anything hardware related). Hence, the output should be deterministic (I don't think Atmega8 allows DMA).