I have been trying to calibrate FSR06CE Force Sensitive Resistor.
Data sheet here.
For starters I started by placing deadweights on the top of the FSR's active area and using a multimeter and DSO I measured the resistance and frequency respectively I'm not sure if this was the right way to do it because the weight distribution is not equal as the weights are of different sizes.
The second methodology that I adopted to calibrate the FSR was to 3D print a frustum like structure with base being equal to the FSR's active area and the top being like a cavity allows me to place weights on top of it but it didn't give me accurate results and I was also not sure if the PLA material will actually distribute the weight equally or most of it will be observed on to itself.
The Third thing that I tried was to get a bush like structure machined ( metal ) such that the base sits on the FSR's active are and I took the readings for this as well.
All these three different methodology gave three different results altogether. I'm not sure which one I should move forward with. I have been referring to a IEEE Journal paper where they have calibrated the same FSR and I have been comparing my results to them but apparently none of this methods have given any closer result to the graph that they have obtained.
I would like to know where I am going wrong or what else I can improve ? Thank you.