I'm trying to design a basic "very cheap" bluetooth solution, that can connect to my phone and turn on a light emitting diode via a signal.
The cheapest BLE IC I could find was this one on LCSC by Jieli Tech.
Part Name: JieLi Tech AC6329C4
The documentation is bleak and incongruous. There is a github repo with a reference schematic from the manufacturer but never having worked with bluetooth or this chip before I can't tell what I need and what I don't.
My Schematic:
- I've tried to majorly use JLCPCB Basic Parts.
- The headers are for debugging incase of something going wrong.
Please let me know of any mistakes/ stupid connections candidly I appreciate the feedback and the help.
Edit following an answer: The battery was on backwards, that has been fixed. The connection to R16 has also been fixed and is now properly connected. The capacitor in series to the supply has also been fixed thanks to everyone's support.