I am building a robotics control module which, of multiple parts, controls servos. When enough servos move, a large power drop causes the microcontroller to reset. This usually happens with 3/4 servos, although it doesn't always. I have tried to solve this by adding capacitors up to 1000 uF and 16 V at each section of the board, using linear regulators and buck converters to isolate the power, and increasing the battery voltage. Although improving, the problem still persists.
Here is the board specs: ESP32 Dev Kit C 2 DRV883 h-bridge drivers 4 MG90S servos 4 TT Motors
2 5v 3A Buck converters connected to 2 servos and 1 H-bridge or 1 5v 6A Buck Converterconnected to 4 servos and 2 H-bridges. 5v 1.5 A Linear regulator leading into the ESP32 Capacitors have been tested within each section of this circuit.
How can I make sure that the ESP32 gets sufficient power when the servos move? Do 2 separate buck converters help isolate these power fluctuations compared to 1?
Thanks in advance.