I am using a voltage supervisor from MAXIAM(MAX7634A). It monitors VCC_3V3 and VCC_-3V3(I use LM358 to make it a positive one).Power supply distribution is shown below: VCC_3V3:
- stm32f103
- EMP570T144
- some logic gates
- some daughter board that use VCC_3V3
- optocoupler
- MAX3232
- bipolar amplifier
- bipolar amplifier
I use LM317 and LM337 to create VCC_3V3 and VCC_-3V3. LM358 is powered by the source of LM317 and LM337. so my circuit of MAX7634A is shown below:
I connect 'SUPERVISOR_RESET' to RST pin of STM32 and 'SUPERVISOR_WDO' 'SUPERVISOR_WDI' to IO of STM32. I jusr wonder whether this design is realy meaningful since STM32 has its own watchdog and brown-out check. Suppose that there is somthing wrong with VCC_-3V3, MAX7634A can only reset STM32! It is realy ridiculous. And what if LM317 and LM337 does not work correctly? MAX7634A still offers no hlep in this case.
Is is due to my wrong design using a voltage moniter? Can any experienced designer give me any suggestions to improve the whole reliability?