I am using the MCP73871 to manage battery charging while supplying a load to a 3.3 V regulator. the downstream load is pulling on average 150 mA off of the LDO. Everything works fine when 5 V is supplied via USB to the input of the battery charger, however when removing the external supply, the voltage drops to ~2.6 V from 3.3 V.
So far I have probed the output voltage from the LDO as well as the battery voltage and the USB voltage for both scenarios. Both supply voltages stay stable at BATTERY_VOLTAGE (3.3 V -> 4.2 V) or 5 V. The LDO output remains stable with 5V supply and exhibits voltage drops on the battery supply.
I have also substituted the battery for an external DC power supply and tested with voltages (3.3 V -> 4.4 V), and problems persisted. This is also how I observed ~150 mA current draw.
This leads me to believe there is a problem with the MCP or the battery connection rather than the LDO or something further downstream
Any help is appreciated!