I would like to hard-wire a 4-port usb hub to my cig outlet. I currently have the hub connected to my power inverter and have to flip a switch to turn on the power. My goal is to do a complete behind-the-dash solution where I don't need to flip a switch. I have clear access to the cig outlet in the dash (I would prefer to cut as little as possible but since I don't smoke I really don't care if I need to hack something). I checked the outlet with my multimeter and confirmed that power is only switched on/off with the ignition which is exactly what I want.
My original thought is to just take apart the hub's power adapter and connect the wiring to the cig outlet. The power adapter is just converting 12v down to 5v anyway so I could just solder the connections to the outlet right? I haven't taken apart the adapter yet, I just wanted some confirmation that my thoughts are correct before I do it. If I'm way off or something, what are some other solutions I could do? It's been a while since I've done anything with electronics so my memory is a bit rusty.