I'm currently working on a project about inductance. I want to calculate the inductance of a rectangle-shaped coil with a pitch different from zero. I tried this by applying the law of Biot-Savart. If i do this for one wire in a cartesians axis system i get a formula of the shape \$B=\int{\frac{(y-y_0)}{\sqrt{((x-x_0)^2+(y-y_0)^2)}^3}}\$ from 0 to \$x_0\$ or \$y_0\$. Which i can't integrate by hand or by numerical integration in matlab (singularity at \$y_0\$). If i write it out in polar coordinate system, i get \$B=constant*(\sin(\theta_2)-\sin(\theta_1))\$. But i can't figure out how to calculate the magnetic flux (phi=int{B dA}). And numerical integration has again some problems with the singularity close to the wire.
Has someone a better idea to calculate the inductance instead of using Biot-Savart? Or someone who knows how to integrate those integrands. Thanks a lot!