- "which will eventually become an SMPS"
Unless you are thinking of low voltage and low current, DONT TRY TO BUILD YOUR OWN SMPS.
- "If I only supplied one voltage divider, every time a transistor turned on all the current would be sucked to ground."
I can't imagine what you are talking about, which even more convinces me that you should not be building an SMPS.
- The only difference I can see here is the bottom resistors forming the voltage dividers.
A difference I see is that you use 1nF instead of 100 nF capacitors, so you frequency would be 100 * higher, which might be a problem.
A big difference is that you seem to want to replace the pull-up resistors by equivalent voltage dividers, presumably because you have a higher power supply than 9V? (You probably don't need to bother, those 2N3904's will wrok well up to much higher voltages.). But you screwed up your calculations: take the leftmost resistors (R1, R2): 500/700 in parallel will act a s a resistor to 9V if you power is 1200/500*9v = 22V, but the equivalent series resistance is ~ 390 Ohm. That probably does not matter much for those resistors, but for R3/R4 it is a big problem.
IME the circuit you show works well without R2/R5 and the diodes. In most cases larger values are choosen for R3/R5, with correspondingly lower capacitor values.
PS I think you approach of taking a know-working circuit and repurposing it for your own projects is fine and can be educational, but you should select a project that is reasonably free feasible and free of danger, and you your theoreticalk knowledge (in this case, calculating the Thevenin equivalent of a voltage divider) should match the level of thinkering you want to do.