I want to prevent triboelectric charging (charging by rubbing it on a table) so it does not zap people.
I want to paint the inside with conductive paint rather than the outside. Would this work?
Now you have explained your aim is to prevent tribocharging on the outside of an insulating material (it wasn't clear originally whether you meant tribocharging the outside or inside). Making the inside of the case conductive, does not significantly affect the behaviour of the insulating material on the outside.
It isn't clear why there is so much rubbing of the case that tribocharging is actually a problem (tribocharging effects vary depending on the two materials involved - I'm surprised that rubbing on a table causes a problem...). However for the situation you describe, the options that I can see are either:
- change the material of the case; or
- apply a suitable anti-static coating to the outside of the case; or
- stop the rubbing of the outside of the case, which leads to the tribocharging; or
- change the material being rubbed on the case, to one which generates less charge with ABS.
Or, of course, accept your existing results as "expected behaviour" for devices with ABS cases, if you find other products / devices with similar cases, exhibit similar tribocharging in whatever test you are performing.