I have been working with a stepper motor, to which I made a controller which drives the stepper motor using a trapezoidal speed ramp.
It logically makes sense that it would be hard to stepper motor to start at a target speed without accelerating up to it, but i am currently looking for some literature that also states that doing this is also makes sense.
I need some literature that confirms my theory, which i cant find anywhere, or anything that well explains the benefits of doing it so?,and what you gain.
I was prior to my project advised to look at it, which is why i didn't try to just give it a simple PWM signal.
Maybe asking my questions rather than literature is a better idea.
Why is stepper motor benefiting from ramping, I mean DC motor can easily start a certain speed?
If you choose to microstep you stepper-motor, wouldn't it be redundant to use a speed ramp? there would not be "that far of a distance" between the coils, which would only suffer for the torque...?