I'm using XCircuit on my laptop running Ubuntu. Since getting middle mouse button action using touchpad is not easy I want to configure xcircuit configuration file. But due to lack of examples I'm unable to the get the desired result. I want to "start wire" with "w"(already defined), "finish" with "e" and "select box" using "Hold_q". Also I want to start the windows in fullscreen.
This is how my current .xcircuitrc
file looks like
xcircuit::keybind e { finish }
xcircuit::keybind Hold_q { select box }
But tcl console is giving me following errors.
invalid command name "finish"
invalid command name "finish"
while executing
"finish "
invoked from within
"if {![xcircuit::keyaction 26 16]} { finish }"
(command bound to event)