I'm working on a radio receiver project based on using a Uniden BC125AT, which will be controlled by an external microcontroller.
The original plan was to tap into the BC125AT keypad to issue keypresses etc, an ugly solution, but it works.
But the BC125AT has a USB port for programming and control, and of course this is a USB-serial interface. When I pulled the BC125AT apart I was hoping to find an FTDI so I could tap into the serial and and use our microcontroller to issue commands. Unfortunately they're using a Renesas V850ES/JG3-L 32-bit micro with on-chip USB controller: http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/1581873.pdf
So now I'm left wondering if there's anything I can realistically do to interface with it? Of course I could use a single board computer... but that's overkill just to achieve comms and I think we'd just go back to hacking the keypad. I really just want to see if I've missed any options?