I am a software developer, sorry if my question may sound dumb.
I want to make my home smart by controlling lights through a centralized smart home web page. So rather than buying ready-made wireless unit I want to make it by myself (it will be a fun and satisfying).
A centralized Web page will contain buttons for lights in my hall/kitten/bedroom. So while search for this I come know about ESP8266 wifi module which works on STA mode. Also, I may need a relay which will take signal from wifi module and on/off the light but as I am a novice in this I have some questions:
Which ESP module need to be selected? there are two variants I see on net one is NodeMcu and another is ESP-01, which one I should go with?
If I want to control 2 lights from a light switch panel, then is it possible control it by using 1 wifi module and 2 channel relay module or I have to buy 2 wifi module (no. of lights in a panel = no. wifi module) one for each light?
Both relay and wifi module works on 5v, What should I use to pull 5v from the 250v power supplier? On net I've seen switching power supplys but these are all bulky and contain transformers. I was hoping that there was a smaller solution.