It's not as good as putting it in the hub but it's a quick lazy attempt. For keeping devices (Raspberry Pi for example) from experiencing brownouts on the order of milliseconds in duration which happen. And could reboot them. I just saw 2 mini-outages of under 1 second, maybe a tree limb on a wire somewhere, who knows. Arcs of short duration, mostly during windy weather.
Just take a USB plug and solder any spare electrolytic capacitor rated at more than 5 volts across it. 5000 mfd say at 10 volts. I'm surprised nobody sells them. Better hubs like the D-Link one I've got here probably have capacitance built in. As a network administrator surrounded by PCs I used to pay attention to which ones rebooted when the lights flickered.
). I know, this might sound a bit patronizing, but clarity of communication is really something that usually enhances the answers you'll be getting! \$\endgroup\$