I want to roughly estimate where my Arduino currently is. For this, I want to fetch the identification numbers of the stations it is currently connected to, so I can put them into an API which then gives me an estimation based on the phone masts. Sadly I haven't found anything regarding that topic in the datasheet.
Do you know how I can ask for that info? Furthermore I'm currently looking for some database with all the mast coordinates, if you have any recommendations I would be very thankful for your advice.
1 Answer
The command you are looking for is AT+CNETSCAN See page 197
The datasheet only shows a few of the commands. The link I gave leads to a complete set of all AT commands for the SIM800.
Excerpt for AT+CNETSCAN:
Note that it tells you the country code, the operator code, and a cell ID code.
You will have to find a database somewhere inorder to resolve that information into a location.
I expect the cell IDs to be country dependent, and probably operator dependant as well. That means you'd need to get that information from the company that operates a particular cell.
I found this site which will accept the given information and return a location. I don't know if they have an API you could access in an automated way.
\$\begingroup\$ thank you very much for your detailed answer :) I apprechiate it \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 23, 2019 at 14:59
\$\begingroup\$ Edit: cell-id.info just sends the data you gave them to a php script via ajax, so by using JSONP it should be prety easy making an API out of it. Just search for the getData() function \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 23, 2019 at 15:27