I'm building an air quality measurement system with the following components:
Reading the sensor datasheet I've seen there's the Responsivity expressed as 150.000 V/W at 10 Hz. Now, I was trying to figure it out how this value is translated on my specific case.
According to Wikipedia
Responsivity measures the input-output gain of a detector system. In the specific case of a photodetector, responsivity measures the electrical output per optical input.
The datasheet of the emitter says that the Optical output power between 4 μm and 5 μm is 4.2 mW. Just for the sake of this example, let's say that the same power is seen by the sensor (of course it is not).
Do I need to check now on the graph of the Responsivity the value for my Frequency, which is, if the wavelength is 4.5 μm, 66.6 MHz? And, with this value, to know the output voltage do I need to multiply the optical power seen by the sensor (that we have supposed to be the same of the emitter, 4.2 mW) to find out the final output voltage of the sensor?
Does it make sense and How the input voltage affects the output as soon as on the datasheet is written: "Output voltage normalized around mid-rail"?