This is a follow up to the question about I posted last night, Converting a schematic into a graph. From some of the answer, I was able to re-work how the graph is done -- with components as edges and connections and nodes. This has been a bit difficult to wrap my head around as normally, I think the inverse:
"Mark" is friends with "John" ==>
- Mark, John are the nodes;
- Mark<->John is the edge
But with circuits:
"Resistor1" is connected to "Resistor2" (in series) ==>
- R1R2 is now the node (connection between the two)
- R1 is an edge, R2 is another edge (assuming a complete circuit)
Anyways, I've updated it based on some of the feedback, and now have:
I've also added the voltage at each of the nodes (though here there is really just one non-trivial node). Does this seem like an improvement on the previous approach, and a better understanding of circuits? What parts still seem to be lacking in this updated diagram? [And thanks to everyone for their encouragement/feedback on previous approaches.]