Inexperienced electrical person here, but trying to save significant cost to repair an oven. The oven I have has a MR754 diode off the main convection heating element, that has failed. Unfortunately, since it is part of the wiring, the manufacturer only offers up the entire wiring harness as a replacement part at $500+.
Pending all other things checking out with a multimeter, I would like to simply splice in a replacement diode (~$2 part). However I cannot locate an MR754 in my area and it's multiple business days to get one delivered via online order. Local vendors do have an MR756 available. Both are 6 amp current, but the available replacement would be 600 V vs 400 V. Is this safe to use in this application? What is the risk, should I try this? Do I put the other components in the oven (i.e. element or control board) at risk?