I have a TEC1-12710 Peltier cell which supposedly consumes 10 Amps but when I connected to the power supply (12-15 Vdc 15Amp 180 Watt) the cell only used 4-5 Amp and didn't give me good cooling
the Cold side with sink is 15 degree C, and the hot side with sink and fan is 45 C degree and the Ambient temperature is 24-25 degree C.
I am confused on why the cold sink is not freezing as I saw in some YouTube videos!
do I need to use a PS with more Amperage to get more cold?
The hot side is not bad since the temperature of Hot sink does not exceed 45 C degree, AM I right? or need to be less!
I am feeding 12Vdc for Peltier
Thanks for all and I hope you will be able to help me