I'm looking for a way to build a zero(ish) cost intervalometer for my Canon SLR using only stuff that I have or can get very cheaply (my budget is about $4). I've already managed to "build" a wired remote for the camera, which is basically two wires connected to the ground and shutter release pins of the Canon remote connector. Touching the two wires (manually or via a switch) causes the camera to click.
I also have an old Android phone lying about that I'd like to repurpose for this project, since the phone is fully programmable. A requirement for this project is that neither the camera nor the phone can be modified in hardware (i.e., no soldering to or dismantling either).
Since the only wired interface in and out of the phone is USB (mini-USB on the phone, if that matters), I was wondering if a modified USB cable could be built that can be controlled via the phone's software, such that the circuit with the camera is completed or broken. Mutilating or otherwise modifying the USB cable itself is OK.
I'm willing to modify the software on the phone, so if this is possible, but the software doesn't support it, I'll figure it out.
Can this even be done? If not, is there an alternative way of doing this without buying a microcontroller, board and other associated stuff? I'm not a hardware guy, so please be gentle ;).