I am trying to build a circuit containing the LSM6DS3 IMU (Datasheet) to be powered by the Sparkfun 110mAh Lithium battery PRT-13853 (Datasheet).
According to the datasheet of the IMU, it is able to operate in a voltage range from 1.71 to 3.6V (page 23):
The battery provides a voltage between 4.2 and 2.8V (page 4):
Edit: according to another question, LiPo batteries should not really be discharged below 3.7V. That should not change anything for my question though.
This means the batteries voltage stays high enough IMU during the entire discharge cycle, but must be regulated down.
Given the low current consumption of the IMU, I thought about using an LDO linear regulator. Would the TLV755P be a suitable regulator? If not, what alternatives would be better and why?